
Includes work-family interface, labor studies, & welfare state theory

Feminist Inequality Analyst

Comparative Socio-Historical Analyst


PoetsScroll-SelfCare and Emotions Handout 2021.pdf

Self-Care Plan

Just like a fire safety plan, we need a simple plan for how we self-care. When you're in the thick of crisis or overload, you know exactly what to do. 

Ideal for conference, workshops, or personal use. 

*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed mental health professional. This was built from 10+ years in therapy, 50+ books on trauma, and years as a the domestic violence advocate. 

My Mental Health Plan.pdf

Mental Health Safety Plan

If you have a high-contact role, have this plan on hand. Build it over time, keep it with you, and share with your support people so they know what to do & say when you're spiraling.

Ideal for work teams and personal use.

*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed mental health professional. This was built from 10+ years in therapy, 50+ books on trauma, and years as a domestic violence advocate

The Intersection of Leadership and Risk Podcast Brand Image

Ep3: Edges of You

"Just because you are leading or in a position of authority doesn't mean you have a blank check of consent from the people who are following you." - Chelsea Ren Morton

Listen to the whole conversation as I discuss with Teresa Schwab how taking risks in your career show you the edges of yourself. 

Intersection of Leadership and Risk Podcast